control the Soviet Union?

1) The Cult of Stalin:


Stalin was worshiped as a leader


Pictures and statues of him were everywhere


Places were named after him


People had to clap when his name was mentioned.

2) Culture and Censorship:


Writers, artists, film makers and even composers had to support the government by following the policy of Socialist realism.


Writers had to be members of the Party controlled Union of Soviet workers.


Books which did not follow the party line were destroyed.

3) Education


Text books were altered and photographs of purged party officials were covered up.


Children were taught that Stalin was the ‘Great Leader’


Education became stricter - Stalin insisted on uniform tests and examinations

4) Religion


Stalin continued the attack on religions started after the revolution, Stalin used the League of Atheists to crush religious belief.


Christian leaders were imprisoned and churches closed down.


Muslim mosques and schools were closed and pilgrimages to Mecca were banned.

5) National identities


Persecution of Muslims were also an attack on national ways of life


Campaign against Kulaks removed millions of people from national minorities living in rural areas.


In the 1930’s a policy of Russification attempted to impose the Russian culture on the USSR

6) A New constitution 1936


USSR consisted of 11 republics


Elections were to be by secret ballot


Stalin held posts of First secretary of the party and chairman of the politburo

(This page was copied from the askwinston site, which went down in 2018)