Analysing Cartoons and Illustrations

This list is reprinted from the webpage formerly at, now out of print

A Checklist

Use the front and back of this paper to write your answers to the statements listed below.  Be prepared to discuss the cartoons and illustrations with your classmates.




Identify the objects or people you see.


Identify the caption and title.

Locate three words used by the artist to identify the people found in the cartoon or illustration.


Determine what you feel the artist wanted the people to symbolize.


Describe the action taking place.


Explain what you think the artist is trying to say that goes beyond what you can see.


Decide what you feel was the intended purpose of the cartoon or illustration.


Decide if you believe a scene like this actually happened.


Identify any groups that probably would disagree with what the artist is trying to say and explain why.

Decide if the groups identified as disagreeing with the artist would consider the cartoon or illustration propaganda.


If you believe this is propaganda then explain why.  Make sure you determine if they are portraying something that is false or misleading.


Decide if the date provided may or may not help you determine what the artist was trying to say. Explain your decision.

·        Predict how the people in the cartoon or illustration would have wanted the nation to win the peace. Make sure you take into account that different groups of people in a cartoon or illustration may not want to win the peace in the same way.

·        Predict who the people in the cartoon would feel should have the authority to carry out the winning of the peace. For example, should it be Congress, the President, the ex-confederates… etc.