1920s vs 1930s
1920s = prosperity & democracy.
1930s = Great DEPRESSION → diplomacy changed: coop → competition, morality → might.
Nations sought wealth/territory at others expense.
FASCIST govts (Germany, Italy) = survival of strongest.
→ League had success in 1920s but failed in 1930s.
Failure in Manchuria, 1932-33
The Dispute
1930s = global econ depression → Japan built empire to solve crisis.
1932: Japan invaded Manchuria, expelled Chinese, set up puppet state (MANCHUKUO).
China asked League for help.
What the League Did
Sent investigation team (LYTTON Commission) → took 1 year.
Feb 1933: League ordered Japan to LEAVE Manchuria.
The Outcome
Japan refused & left League.
League failed to impose SANCTIONS (∵ TRADING links w. Japan).
Britain & France unwilling to go to war.
Japan kept Manchuria → League failed.
The Consequences
League HUMILIATED vs determined aggressor.
NINE-POWER Treaty (1920)/ Washington Naval Treaty (1922)/ Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) broken.
Japans exit from League = end of diplomatic solutions in the Far East.
Japan emboldened → occupied JEHOL (1934) → invaded China (1937) → set about building CO-PROSPERITY Sphere → Pearl Harbor & WWII.
ENCOURAGED Mussolini (Abyssinia, 1935) & Hitler (Rhineland, 1936).