
The League in Abyssinia

Failure in Abyssinia, 1935

The Dispute:

    •  1928 treaty = 20-yr friendship & defined Abyssinia-Italian Somaliland border.

    •  1930: Italy built a fort at (inside Abyssinia).

    •  Dec 1934: Skirmish at Wal Wal → 107 Abyssinians & 50 Italians/Somalis dead. Each side blamed the other.

    •  Jan 1935: Abyssinia asked League for .


What the League did:

    •  League delayed 9 months just sorting Wal Wal incident.

    •  Britain & France negotiated w. Mussolini → he used time to send army to Africa.

    •  League suggested giving part of Abyssinia to Italy.


The Outcome:

    •  Oct 1935: Mussolini ignored League & .

    •  Italy used planes, bombs, tanks, weapons; Abyssinians had horses & rifles.

    •  Britain banned to both → hurt Abyssinia more than Italy.

    •  Britain kept open → Italy kept supplies flowing.

    •   Pact (Dec 1935): Britain & France secretly planned to give Abyssinia to Italy → public outrage → withdrawn.

    •  May 1936: Italy captured & merged Abyssinia into empire.

    •  June 1936: Emperor appealed to League → League did nothing.

    •  League failed.


Abyssinia: Consequences

    •  League shown to be vs determined aggressor.

    •  All 1920s agreements shown as worthless.

    •  1936 League debate admitted failure → 1937-39 League stopped trying to in wars.

    •  Nations lost faith in collective security → eg Britain (1936) admitted League couldn't keep peace & started rearming.

    •  Italy left League (Nov 1937), accused Britain & France of using it vs Italy → worsened diplomacy in Europe.

    •  Italy left (anti-Hitler alliance) → allied w. Germany (Axis, Nov 1936).

    •  USSR (joined League 1934 to counter Germany) saw League was weak → 1939 signed Nazi-Soviet Pact.

    •  Hitler grew bolder:

          ◦  1936: Used Abyssinia crisis to march into Rhineland.

          ◦  1938: Annexed Austria & Sudetenland → path to WWII.

    •  League unable to stop Hitler breaking Treaty of Versailles → WWII only way to stop him.