The Nazi Party, 1919-29
The Nazis grew out of a small right-wing party, which Hitler took over after 1919. He developed a Twenty-Five Point Programme based on hatred, and built up a paramilitary group (the SA) to defend his meetings and attack other parties. The Nazis appealed to a wide range of people, but especially the 'middling' sort of people, and the party grew rapidly in the years of crisis 1919-1923. After the disaster of the Munich Putsch, and during the prosperity of the Stresemann years, however, support for the Nazis fell. During this time Hitler believed that he could be elected to power. He used these years to develop and strengthen the party's organisation.
Going DeeperThe following links will help you widen your knowledge: BBC Bitesize on Nazi beliefs & structure and development of the Nazi Party 1924-29 Good notes The History Place is fantastic - especially on the Formation and the 'Quiet Years' Nazi propaganda - an old site, but lots of info
- Giles Hill's overview of Hitler's Rise to Power, 1919-33 - Scott Allsop's overview of Hitler's Rise to Power, 1919-34
Formation of the Nazi Party and its Beliefs and Organisation
1. StartThe German Workers’ Party, led by Anton Drexler, was formed in 1919. Hitler joined and soon became leader. His speeches gave people scapegoats to blame for Germany’s problems:
2. Twenty-five Point ProgrammeIn 1920, the party renamed itself the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis), and announced its Twenty-Five Point Programme. At first, the Nazis were both nationalist (they believed in Germany’s greatness) and socialist (they believed the state should benefit everybody equally).
3. Mein KampfAfter the failure of the Munich Putsch in 1923, Hitler was sent to Landsberg jail. There he wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) advocating:
4. OrganisationAt first, there were a number of people involved in running the party, but Hitler soon became the sole boss, and he built up the organisation so that he was unquestioned leader.
Source C
This table shows the percentage of each social group in the Nazi Party, compared to the size of that group in the country as a whole. Which groups did the Nazis appeal to most?
Source AThis Nazi poster, 11 May 1920, advertises a speech by Hitler: "What Do We Want?" It reads: "Do not believe that other parties can save the Germany of misfortune and misery, the nation of profiteers and debt, the land of Jewish corruption!"
Source BIn the future we may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, a race destined to become master of all the other peoples and which will have at its disposal the resources of the whole world. Hitler, Mein Kampf (1924)
Source DThis poster reads: "National Socialism: the organized will of the nation".
Source EAn election poster published by the Nazi Party in 1924.
Decline of the Nazi Party, 1924-9
1. Elections and declineAfter the failure of the Munich Putsch, Hitler decided that he would have to get power by being elected, rather than by rebellion. However, he was banned from speaking until 1928. The prosperity of the Stresemann years, also, meant that the Nazis' message became less appealing and the party lost support.
Source FSupport for the Nazi Party had grown due to the country's problems of hyperinflation and the French invasion of the Ruhr. By 1928 Nazism appeared to be a dying cause. Now that Germany's outlook was suddenly bright, the Nazi Party was rapidly withering away. One scarcely heard of Hitler or the Nazis except as a joke. William Shirer,
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959)
The Number of Seats in the Reichstag held by each Party, 1919-33
Copy the figures from the table
above into an Excel workbook and use the Chart wizard to draw a graph of party electoral fortunes.
2. Re-organising the PartyIn this period, however, Hitler set about reorganising the Party. He put in place many of the things which helped it take power after 1928:
Source GThis Nazi poster c.1927 reads: "Despite the Ban, not dead." This poster was drawn by 'Mjölnir' (real name was Hans Schweitzer) who set new standards for Nazi publicity.
Consider:1. Explain the symbolism, meaning and appeal of the Nazi poster in Source E. 2. Looking at all the information on this page, list the key strengths of the Nazi Party. 3. Do you agree wth Source F? How strong do you think the Nazi Party was in 1929?