

Basic programme of the National Socialist

German Workers’ Party


We demand:

  1. The unity of all German-speaking peoples.

  2. The abolition of the Treaty of Versailles.

  3. Land and colonies to feed Germany’s population.

  4. Only Germans can be citizens.   No Jew can be a German citizen.

  5. People in Germany who are not citizens must obey special laws for foreigners.

  6. Only German citizens can vote, be employed or hold public office.

  7. Citizens are entitled to a job and a decent standard of living.   If this cannot be achieved, foreigners (with no rights as citizens) should be expelled.

  8. No further immigration of non-German must be allowed.   All foreigners who have come to Germany since 1914 must be expelled.

  9. All citizens have equal rights and duties.

  10. The first duty of a citizen is to work.

  11. All payments to unemployed people should end.

  12. All profits made by profiteers during the war must be shared.

  13. Nationalisation of public industries*.

  14. Large companies must share their profits.

  15. Pensions must be improved.

  16. Help for small shops and businesses; large department stores** must be closed down.

  17. Property reform to give small farmers their land.

  18. An all-out battle against criminals, profiteers, etc., who must be punished by death.

  19. Reform of the law to make it more German.

  20. Improve education so that all Germans can get a job.

  21. Improve people’s health by making a law for people to do sport.

  22. Abolition of the Army, and a new People’s Army in its place.

  23. German newspapers must be free of foreign influence.

  24. Freedom of religion.

  25. Strong central government with unrestricted authority.

    The Nazi Party Programme (24 February 1924)

    * such as electricity and water.                     ** most department stores were owned by Jews.



1.  Study the Twenty Point Programme.  Find Nazi beliefs which would have appealed to:

  • a nationalist (who thought the German race was better than others)

  • a socialist (who wanted to help the poor people),

  • someone who was angry about losing the war,

  • someone who wanted to return to the autocratic government of the past,

  • someone who hated Jews.

2. Suggest reasons why not many students, doctors or lawyers joined the Nazi Party.