
    Test your Knowledge

[Click on the yellow pointers to reveal the answers]

  •  Why was the League of Nations set up in 1919?
    • Because Wilson wanted it more than anything else.
  •  What Treaty set up the League of Nations
    • Treaty of Versailles
  •  What were the four aims of the League of Nations?
    • Stop Wars
    • Improve people's lives and jobs
    • Disarmament
    • Enforce the Treaty of Versailles
  •  What happened when Wilson went back home to America?
    • The Senate refused to join the League or ratify the Treaty of Versailles
  •  Why did the Americans not want to join the League of Nations?
    • Many Americans were German immigrants and hated the Treaty of Versailles
    • Americans did not want to get involved in European affairs because it might involve Americans dying in a war.
    • Americans did not want to get involved in European affairs because it might cost money
    • Many Americans were anti-British and hated the British Empire (the American revolution had been to get out of the British Empire)
  •  How many countries joined the League of Nations in 1919?
    • 42
  •  How many members did the League have in the 1930s?
    • 60
  •  Name three powerful countries which were not members of the League.
    • USA
    • USSR
    • Germany
  •  Why was Russia not a member of the League?
    • A Communist country, hated Britain and France
  •  Why was Germany not a member of the League?
    • Not allowed to join by the Treaty of Versailles
  •  Who were the four main members of the League?
    • Britain,
    • France,
    • Italy,
    • Japan
  •  What four powers did the League have to enforce its decisions? Explain them.
    • Covenant
    • Condemnation
    • Arbitration
    • Sanctions
  •  What did the League NOT have which made it hard for it to enforce its decisions?
    • An army
  •  What were the eight main parts of the League’s organisation?
    • Secretariat
    • Council
    • Assembly
    • Court of International Justice
    • Health Committee
    • International Labour Organisation
    • Refugees Commission
    • Mandates Commission
    • Slavery Commission
  •  How many times a year did the League’s ‘Assembly’ meet?
    • once a year
  •  How many times a year did the ‘Council’ meet?
    • 4-5 times a year, and when necessary
  •  What did the ‘Court of International Justice’ do?
    • settled small disputes
  •  What did the ‘Health Committee’ of the League do?
    • tried to improve the health of the people of the world
  •  What did the ‘Slavery Committee’ of the League do?
    • Tried to free all enslaved people
  •  What did the ‘Refugee Committee’ of the League do?
    • tried to get refugees home, or into camps
  •  What was the job of the Secretariat’?
    • To organise the work of the committees, and liaise between them
  •  Which two countries were involved in the Corfu dispute of 1923?
    • Italy and Greece
  •  Who was the leader of Italy?
    • Mussolini
  •  Which two countries were involved in the Bulgaria incident of 1925?
    • Bulgaria and Greece
  •  How many prisoners of war did the League get home?
    • Half a million
  •  In which country did the League set up a refugee camp?
    • Turkey
  •  Which two diseases did the League try to destroy?
    • leprosy and malaria
  •  How did the League try to say no to drugs?
    • Closed down 4 Swiss drugs companies
  •  How many enslaved people did the League set free?
    • 200,000
  •  Which two countries did the League send economics experts to?
    • Austria and Hungary
  •  What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact promise in 1928?
    • To abolish war
  •  How did Britain and France make Germany pay reparations in 1921?
    • Invaded the Ruhr
  •  What did the League try to arrange at its disarmament conference?
    • All nations to reduce their weapons
  •  Why did the Disarmament Conference of 1931 fail?
    • Hitler demanded equality with the other countries
  •  Which country broke the Treaty of Versailles by attacking Russia in 1920?
    • Poland
  •  What did the League’s ‘International Labour Organisation’ try to do?
    • 48-hour week
  •  Which country invaded Manchuria in 1931?
    • Japan
  •  What was the ‘economic depression’ of the 1930s?
    • Wall Street (the US Stock Market) crashed
    • USA called in loans
    • Factories closed down
    • People out of work/ starved
  •  Why didn’t France and Britain try to force Japan to leave Manchuria?
    • Did not want to go to war
  •  Which country did Italy invade in 1935?
    • Abyssinia
  •  What did Britain and France secretly agree with Italy?
    • to let Italy have Abyssinia
  •  What effect did the League’s failures in Manchuria and Abyssinia have?
    • Destroyed confidence in it
    • Many countries left
  •  List seven reasons the League failed.
    • Weak
    • America
    • Structure/ organisation
    • Dictators
    • Unsuccessful
    • Members
    • 'Big Bullies'

